When you need to get somewhere quickly, but also want to sing, the Carpet of Al Adeen will do the trick. Similar to the Carpet of Flying, the Carpet of Al Adeen is capable of flying you and one partner, or up to 500 lb.

The only catch with the Carpet of Al Adeen is that instead of having a command word to make the carpet fly, this carpet needs at least one rider to be singing in order to fly.
For each part of a song, the carpet is able to carry its rider(s) 200 feet at up to 30 feet in the air. The carpet makes no noise, but adds no particular modifiers for stealth. Once the song is finished, the carpet will begin to descend unless the singing begins again. The rider singing a complete song without needing to look up the lyrics will give them total control over the carpet for several game minutes, with a max distance to travel of 1 mile.
Humming halves the distance the carpet can fly. Flying with over 500 lbs also halves the distance the carpet can fly.
Outside of the above, the carpet looks incredibly nice when used in a bedroom.