Browsing: Defend

Florence Affleck starts a life insurance business, but problems arise when average citizens run off to do be heroes, thinking that they’re immortal.

Farms are having their poultry stolen by a shadowy turkey monster they have named “Turkey Lurkey.” Players are faced with an ethical dilemma: destroy the creature or join him. Party levels 1-3.

Two rival shops, Azer’s Blazers and Newt’s Suits, are trying to corner the market on fire-resistant clothing. However, they need to increase demand for their products…which might be easy once the town learns of the fiery dangers that lurk in the dormant volcano. For players leveled 8-11.

A Xorn named Brrrxn has lost its children and needs the party’s assistance to find them. Something stalks them as they search. Party levels 4-7.

In this parody of a parody, players must help Shaun the Faun retrieve his girlfriend and defend the Whimchester Tavern from an onslaught of hungry zombies. Encounter is designed for player levels 8-11.

A bear witch is kidnapping adventurers and destroying the forest, can the party fight back and end the destruction? Party levels 1-3.

In this Coraline-inspired encounter, players must help a worried monastery rescue one of their monks from a frightening duplicate world, defeating the monk’s captors: the Other Father and his Other Brothers. This mountain encounter is for party levels 4-7.

A masked vigilante is seeking revenge against the bards who bullied him out of the College of Clowning. Help him achieve his dreams by relaunching his standup comedy career in this city encounter for any party level.