We’re closing the circle on another week, we are nearing our 100th post. This week will round out the full hundo and then we’ll be on to the next!
New this week, we’ve created an Instagram account with the same content, but bite-size chonks. We’ll still be posting here first, but will likely be adding some additional content in the future (videos for any homebrew monsters, items, etc). Follow us here if interested!
Thanks to those of you who took the poll last week, in a unanimous decision you all wanted more encounters, so more encounters you shall have! We’ll still be creating NPCs and Items along the way, but our primary focus will be daily encounter creation.

Posts this week:
- Time Is a Flat Circle – Help a great fish detective save a city about to be destroyed by a strange school of evolving quipper. (True Detective anyone?)
- Slay or Crochet? – Help a local knitting circle wrap a troll in wool and love
- Don’t be a Square – A cult of Grung request assistance in a ritual to unlock their inner circle
- Maize of Mystery – Uncover why strange circles keep cropping up in a farmer’s field
- Circle, Circle, Dot, Dot – A town afflicted with a strange ailment needs help from an elderly tabaxi cleric. Can the party get him what he needs?
- Wishing for a Windfall – The Meddling Peddler is back and selling more fraudulent footwear
- 10 Items to Add To Your Next Dungeons & Dragons Session
Now, onto the Circle themed posts that didn’t make it out of the idea phase.
Circle de Sol, eh?
- Troop of acrobats traveling from town to town
- Only visit towns with high elevation
- Trying to Icarus-it and reach the sun
- They need strong people to help throw them higher and higher into the sky (you all look tough)
- One gets thrown high enough that a large bird swoops by and grabs him out of the sky
- Rescue mission!…nest is in a tree, prove yourselves true acrobats to get up there

Circlet of Circles [Item]
- Wearer can create minor illusions but they must be circles
- Holes in the ground
- Different planets in the sky
- Give people blue dots on their bodies (like Penny For Your Dots)
- Make all cheeses swiss cheese
- Pretend you have piercing wounds that goes straight through
- Red dot to distract tabaxis
- Townsfolk are generally mean and nasty to one another
- Wizard creates an illusion while they are sleeping that every creature now has a small golden halo above their heads
- Wizard convinces them that they all died in a freak accident and now they are in heaven and so they have to be nice
- They all start playing harps, doing nothing meaningful
- Building a tower to try and get back into the clouds
- OR smoking a lot and making their own clouds around them
- The party needs to masquerade as gods and tell the townsfolk they will receive another chance at life (wizard can’t just remove the halos because they would be furious that they were duped).
Vicious Circle
- A character is stuck up a tree and being surrounded by snapping, angry wolves
- Need to fight off the wolves, he’s grateful
- He’s a reverse lycnathrope…sunrises, he turns into a wolf, and runs away into the forest…you’ve eliminated the former alpha, he’s now the alpha. Oops?
Circle of Life
- Druidic lion comes into town and claims that he’s the king so long as the light touches the town: “everything the light touches is my kingdom.”
- Party needs to help the town get the lion and his hyenas away, OR figure out how to cast the town in eternal darkness, so the lion just goes, “oh darn, not my jurisdiction anymore.”
Other Circle-related Ideas
- Moving in the right circles
- A town where they can only make right turns and have to travel a full city block before they reach their destination, party must find optimal routes
- Talking in Circles
- New species of creature found
- The only language they speak involves going oooOOOooooOOOOooooo with different inflections
- Party is tasked to make contact with this species and attempt
- Maybe it coughs circular runes and doesn’t make any noise
- Rare breed of vulture that circles things that are alive instead of dead
- Scientist/environmentalist is worried because the breed is dying out since they swoop and snap, and get swatted away by the creature that’s still very much alive
- The vultures are circling
- Roundabouts
- The first of its kind that immediately begins causing more traffic problems

- The Circle parody, social network or big brother-esque
- The first social media network of sending stones that also have really grainy holograms that go with them. The economy is in shambles because everyone is staring at their rocks.
- Circling the wagons
- Merchants don’t get it
- They circle the wagons and hold hands to protect their cargo
- They realize it too late and now they can’t climb inside the circle
- Enemies are approaching
- You need to protect them and defeat the attackers
- Circle the drain
- Refers to something that is close to death but just won’t die
- Inventor keeps trying to pitch his ideas of indoor plumbing, but the mayor won’t allow it
- Druid circles
- Circle…of…theeeee…sloth
- Circle of life
- Circle of fifths – music and resonance capabilities
- Venn diagram [NPC?]
- Vin Diag, the upright ram in a town. Expert litigator and mediator, able to find compromise in any situation
Dungeons & Dragons Homebrew Monster of The Week
From “Don’t Be A Square” it’s the Mighty Meat Cube! The last line of defense of any town, the Meat Cube is kept in the town’s square. It feeds only on rocks and the taste of victory from defeating its enemies.
The Meat Cube generally needs at least one handler at any time and can live to be 400 years old. 50% cube, 50% meat, this thing is silent but deadly. How might you use this in your campaign?