11/26/23 – Well friends, sadly The Mayor of Mayville was unsuccessful as a Kickstarter campaign. We were hoping to work with some artists directly, but we will try again at a later date. If you’re an artist and would like to contribute to the project, please reach out! We’ll be finishing it up in December and releasing for free. Special thanks to our 16 backers, we truly appreciate it.
In more exciting news, we’ve got some great DnD related deals below for today and Cyber Monday, perfect for loading up on gifts for your party or DM as we roll into the holidays.
Lastly, we’re going to start aiming to create a mini-campaign each month with the adventures we’re writing. This month will be the first test, with a Christmas-inspired adventure. Let us know if you’d like to help!
DnD Cyber Monday Deaaaaals
Only Crits Dice: A couple HUGE sales at Only Crits this weekend including:
- 35% off your first month of any Mystery Box Subscription! using the promo code: MYSTERYBOX35
- 20% off everything in the store using the promo code: BFCM23
- 75% off all adventures
- Plus a free adventure today, with one more unlocking tomorrow
Ace of Gnomes: For gear, accessories, and an awesome style check out these two Ace of Gnomes sales: 30% off your entire order AND BOGO Mugs. I’ve got several shirts from them and can confirm they are currently my favorite DnD shirts.
Dungeon Brew Coffee: Use CYBERMONCOFFEE on Monday November 27 for 25% any of their coffee products, ranging from Critical Hit Colombian to Minty Magic Madness.
DMs Guild: A whole host of deals, easily searchable, including Monster Manual Expanded is a 320-page source of content that supplements the Monster Manual. Looks like there are over 14,000 titles that are on sale for today and tomorrow.
We’ve got a few other deals collected on our site, check them out if you’re interested!
DnD Creator Spotlight
DM Resource: The Attunement Trials is a great way for getting your players used to puzzles and riddles without it taking hours and hours for them to solve. The thought is, during a short rest, or when the player would typically attune to a weapon or item, give them a puzzle and a five minute timer to see if they’re capable of attuning at this time. I’ll likely be stealing this for my table.

Map Maker: Chaim & Kelly Holtjer (@chaimscartography), hailing from the Netherlands, this cartographer has a wonderful style and is an excellent source of inspiration for any diving into worldbuilding. Our favorite is Fort Crux. Who created Fort Crux, why are there so many bridges, and what secrets does the fort hold? All maps currently on Etsy.
Podcast: Sometimes you find an actual play that has the right combo of silly, serious, and that is exactly Blackwater DnD (@blackwaterDnD). They are 39 episodes into Campaign 2 and releasing on a weekly basis. DM Tim Carlson is quietly becoming one of my favorite under-the-radar DMs and I feel like I learn something new from him each episode (the use of subtle smirks especially). They’ve also got a new series called “Godkiller: Oblivion,” they just released on Patreon.
DM Resource: If you’re looking for some brutal punishments for PCs who take or touch cursed objects, here’s a d100 table for you. It’s from OSR Vault, so you’ll need to tweak it slightly, but some of these are rough. “The player is no longer able to lie,” or “the player cannot naturally heal,” might be too much, but this table is a good starting point if you’re in a pinch.
Have other creators we should feature? Let us know
Free NPC
- Rude Alf, the Red-Nosed – A dwarf and a regular in the area taverns. He starts his nights jovially enough, but after throwing back a generous amount of ale, he gets a little too brutally honest, earning him his “rude” moniker. He never gets belligerent, just mouthy, but that’s enough for the other patrons to call him names and refuse to let him join in their drinking games.
- Rude Alf’s daughter worries about him and his late nights, giving him a charm that casts “Light” on the end of his nose so he doesn’t get lost as he stumbles home. One foggy evening, however, Rude Alf doesn’t return home, and his fearful daughter asks the party to help her find him.
- Patrol the surrounding forests, avoiding deceptive Will-o’-Wisps and ultimately tracking down Alf to the cottage of a hag who has fallen madly in love with his rudeness and crudeness, claiming that all she wants for Christmas…is him.