Another week down and six more full-length encounters ready to drop into your games. For these moving forward we’ll start with resources and folks whose content we’re enjoying, followed by a recap of the week plus the ideas that didn’t make it. Hit us on Instagram if there are other creators we should check out!
DnD Resources and Creators
- Artist: @chophouse_abomination / Ornery Abominations – These doodles, drawings, and stickers are unhinged, but in a good way. Everything from a gnome barbarian riding a badger, to maps, and shocked pumpkins, T is our kind of artist.
- Maker: Moonmares – These are the sparkliest chonkiest d20s we’ve seen so far. Higher from a cost perspective, but good gravy these dice are hefty.
- Podcast: Tales From the Blue Cottage – Solid production value, and a group that has a lot of fun with each other, Tales From The Blue Cottage has several threads going at a time. Give them a watch or listen!
- Map Maker: Fey Compass – More in the overland/big map realm, Feyta has many videos showing the process of their mapmaking. 100% worth the follow on Instagram.
- DM tool: donjon – Where would we be without donjon. This site is amazing for all a DMs generator needs, especially generating dungeons. I always have two of these stashed away during sessions juuuust in case they are needed.
Six DnD Encounters Based on the Theme Word “Go”
- Herald And Kobold Go To The White Castle – A former herald and his kobold business partner need an escort to a nearby sun-bleach castle in order to re-paint it. For parties level 8-11.
- Go, Go, Gadgets! – The brilliant Inspector Wattson is having trouble with his mechanical modifications, and he needs help figuring out what (or who) is to blame. Play private eye in this city encounter for player levels 4-7.
- Going, Going, Gone – An auction is about to go off the rails if a man in golden armor is able to complete the full suit. Can the party figure out a way to stop him? Encounter for parties of level 8+.
- Go Down with the Ship – Participate in a mock naval battle against a disgraced undead pirate, giving him his long-awaited “burial at sea” in this ocean encounter for levels 12+.
- All Systems Go – The two-cat rule creates issues for a group of Tabaxis that fear a colony of Modrons are bringing forth the Catpocalypse. A small minigame for parties of any level travelling across the plains.
- Let’s Go, Pinkachu! – Pocket-dimension monsters have crawled into our world and need to be caught and returned home in this fetch quest for any party level.

The DnD Encounter Ideas That Didn’t Make It
Let It Go, Let it Go
- Snow witch with ice magic
- Freezes a pond so that the children can iceskate
- But all the underwater creatures are stuck now and forced to watch the kids having fun, jealous that they can enjoy it
- Melt the ice, find a compromise
- OR Town pools all their money to get some ice scroll…freeze the lake and have a fun community activity
- While the spell is cast, a Lake Troll starts to come out of the water and gets frozen mid-section. Lake Troll is stuck, watching the kids iceskate around him
- Help them take care of the troll…flailing, roped off
- Strike a deal with the troll…maybe he wants to play as well, put iceskates on his fingers
- His feet are itchy underwater…go underwater and make him more comfortable
Go West, Young Man
- A phrase used on a town’s teens, the teens know that west is a large cliff and are nervous
- But they must respect their elders
- West is how to save the town (herbs for vitality/long life)
- Everyone is always traveling in this DnD world
- Creating some tasty treat for them to take with on the go
- Legion of Tabaxi thieves keeps robbing these people, only swiping their delicious dairy-based treats
- General Mills the Tabaxi with his army
- Need rations for the battlefield, something portable and light
- Argo-knots…selling pretzel knots from a stand
- Needs them salted from the sea
- Sailing adventure into choppy, salty waters
Go Above and Beyond the Call of Duty
- A restauranteur takes great pride in having the cleanest restroom in the realm
- Lies and waits after each use to make it sparkle
- Something clogs the toilet…deeper in the bowels
- Sewers quest, Yuan-Ti stuck in a pipe, wanted to see the realm-famous for himself, but went the wrong direction to get there
- Competing restroom owner who wants the award for himself
- Sabotage the pipes
- Put plaque outside the door
Go with the Flow
- A river is overpowering…pushing all vessels one direction
- Town at the river mouth is struggling with this sudden increase in unwanted tourism

Go Toward The Light
- Mothman creature is scaring the town
- Need to find a way to capture him…using a long-abandoned lighthouse on the coast?
- Meet the mothman, he just hovers there in a trance
Just Go With It
- A king is embracing improv and has beheaded the last naysayers to his act
- ONLY YES AND, he shouts
- He is about to summon something, do they get killed or do they stop the show
Here It Goes Again
- Town has set up a series of treadmills around the wall to keep out the baddies, but it has ruined commerce