New site, who dis? That’s right we are fully moved over to our new website and are excited to bring you some helpful features in the future. If you’ve got any thoughts on what would be beneficial for you to drop these encounter into your games, let us know!
This week’s theme was gold and we had a few that we found quite fun:
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears – Save the house of three Druidic brothers, who are dealing with a squatter in this Forest encounter for Party Levels 1-3.
- The Golden Girallons – Safely escort exotic, elderly apes to an animal sanctuary (Levels 8-11, Jungle)
- Silence is Golden – Sometimes, making noise can have fiery consequences. (Any level, Mountains)
- The Goose That Lays Golden Eggs – Support or scramble an undead’s get-rich-quick scheme
- Distrust The Midas Touch – A touch of gold, torture to behold. (Any level, Urban/Dungeon)
- Feel Good with Goldswägger – A perfumer’s new recipe has attracted unwanted attention (Levels 4-7, Urban)
Thanks again for checking out our encounters. Let us know in the comments below if you’ve got any other ideas based on the word gold.
Heart of Gold
- Heart transport operation with golden heart
- Dragon is hoarding gold to repair his broken heart, literally
- Using wealth to satisfy his loneliness
- Bring him gold to appease him temporarily or help him reconcile with his partner
- Construct and someone is smuggling gold inside them, gold hearts
- Construct feels guilty and wants to come clean
Streets paved with gold
- (town going broke because they thought gold streets was a good idea)
- Mayor wanted his town to enter a golden age
- He didn’t realize what it meant
- So all infrastructure dollars went to golden streets
- Attracting attention of a dragon

I’m Not Saying She’s a Gold Digger
- Archaeologist gets special permission to excavate an important historical site
- Party asked to help accompany her
- She’s actually part of a group of bandits who are just trying to grab the gold from the burial site
All that glitters is not gold
- Glittery sparkles, residual magic, fade quickly…townsfolk are bottling it and frantically trying to buy something/barter with it before the glitter peters out
- Sorcerers guild is complaining that townsfolk think the shimmering from their spellcasting is gold dust
- Trying to collect it and distracting sorcerers from their work
The Golden Oldies
- Kobold musicians are back!
- It’s been a long time, reunion tour (they’re old)
- Golden record/sheet music buried deep
- They play it and it summons something
Fool’s Gold
- Someone who is really dumb wins the lottery and needs a financial advisor
- Inherits a fortune
- OR Jester in a court for a king makes big bucks for his comedy
- He’s brilliant
- Only gets paid for fart jokes and other low-brow humor
- Wants to be a satirist…satyr-ist
- He only dishes out satyr…it’s all jokes that make fun of satyrs…what’s up with those goat legs?
- Satyrs are offended
And The Rest
- Silver and Gold – Mountain adventure with Yukon Cornelius
- Golden Calf
- Someone wants to run faster so the turn their calves to gold
- Can’t walk now
- The Golden Rule
- Spell—whatever happens to you (damage) hurts somebody else?
- Golden Ratio
- For each one piece of gold a bugbear brings, he gets a piece of food
- has struck a bad bargain with the townsfolk but doesn’t realize it
- Now he’s angry and will destroy the town unless he is justly compensated with lots of food…party can protect the town by defeating the bugbear (rude) or helping restore balance