11/12/23 – Things are looking grim for “The Mayor of Mayville” Kickstarter, but we’re going to turn lemons into lemonade and release it to you regardless by the end of the year!
We’ve still got some great rewards for folks including booklets, playtesting, and even having us host the one-shot for you and a group. If you’re interested be sure to check it out, only 12 days left!
Stay tuned for some upcoming fun around the Thanksgiving holiday including all Thanksgiving-related posts this week (we may or may not have an encounter brewing called Gobzilla vs. Mecha Gobzilla).
DnD Creator Spotlight
Artist: Anthony Hailes, or ant.draws on Instagram. We came across this artist this week with the below image and found all of his art to be great inspiration. The “CURSED RELICS WEEK 4 – EVIL EYE, GARGOYLE, BONES” had us thinking about the Fly speed and the awful bludgeoning damage that bone would do. What sort of spellcasting or inherent magic would you add for a gargoyle?

Podcast: Knocked Prone is a clean, chaotic, and deep podcast for D&D nerds! They just completed their second campaign, a monster 56-episode season available on all your podcast listening platforms. They also produce some great D&D meme videos on the Knocked Prone Instagram account, featuring one of the party members, Brookelin. Check them out!
DM Resources:
- 20 open-ended riddle-like plot points for use in D&D sessions
- What kind of insult might a proper god use against a lesser Deity?
Have other creators we should feature? Let us know
Free NPCs
- Sh’a Keera – A female tabaxi owner of an undergarment store called “Just Butt Stuff” that has been acting suspicious lately. In reality a new fabric she started using is causing her to sneeze as she is severely allergic. Her face has swelled up quite a bit as well, leading folks to believe she is slowly turning into a werewolf
- Bridgette Toofhar – An out-of-town architect contracted to fix the main stone bridge that exits the city. The Loxodon bridge expert spends her nights doing hard math in her inn room, but the innkeeper insists that he hears awful transformation noises coming from her room. In reality it is just Bridgette getting mad about the shoddy design that left the bridge in this shape.
- Teef Durban – An old mariner nicknamed The He-wolf (for his lycanthropy ailment, real name Teef) with a face gnarled from years of transforming back and forth between his human and wolf shape, as well as his fisherman’s scars all over his body. Teef has been watching the coast for over 10 years since retiring from his duties as captain of the “El Jefe,” a ship used primarily as a fishing vessel. In its later years, Teef used his boat as a way to smuggle in goods to the town. When he was caught he decided to give up his life at sea, spending time instead watching the waves as a volunteer lookout.
This Week’s Encounters
- My Ships Don’t Lie – Two encounters in one! A coastal town that is losing 10% of its boats, and a city in terror with a She-wolf on the loose. Party levels 4-7.
- The Chimera Doesn’t Lie – A lazy goatherd needs help rescuing his lost goats after using illusory magic to disguise them as chimera. Levels 4-7.
- Web Of Lies – A construction company called “We Be Webbing” is under fire after an elderly customer complains that their indestructible weblock chain technology proved to be very destructible. Levels 1-3.
- The Cake is a Lie – In this Portal-inspired encounter, players complete various experimental tests into the useful (and morally questionable) applications of portal wands. Levels 4-7.
If you have a moment, we’d appreciate it if you could take a quick survey for feedback about what else you’d like to see in these weekly newsletters.
Other DnD Encounter Ideas That Didn’t Make It
Liar Liar Pants on Fire
- Town has such a big problem with lying, everyone must wear pants that immediately catch on fire when a lie is detected
- Brutally honest: “it does make you look fat”…rekindle their marriage
- Cleric…never says anything anymore
Lie Detector
- Lich creates a device that allows him to find buried corpses to make into his army
White Lies
- White chromatic dragon actually has a terrible memory, so he keeps pretending like he remembers the history of a region…has sparked animosity between two warring factions (when, in fact, they never had any beef to begin with)
Don’t Just Lie There
- An army’s commander is furious after his army stays prone when they’re knocked prone
- “What’s the point?”
- The party must help with their existential crisis
Lie Through One’s Tiefling
- Tiefling is fed up with being the messenger and promising other nations that its devil overlords are changed/good people