On the outskirts of town sits an unassuming restaurant named Babblebee’s, run by Billy Grelliot, an owner that folks assume is an Aarakocra in a trenchcoat and hat.
If the party speaks with Billy, they will easily see through the disguise and determine he is a fairly harmless Grell entreprenuer.
The sign above the door says your neighborhood bar and grell, which most assume is a typo.
Exactly where they source their ingredients is unknown, but people swear by the dishes, saying it’s great brain food.
Some of those dishes include Peanut Butter and Grelly Sandwiches, Grelled Cheese, and for dessert, Marshgrellow crispy treats.
The business appears to be above board, but below board are several Gibbering Mouthers, confusing patrons into believing the food has positive benefits, and leaving five star reviews.
The mouthers and Billy Grelliot have teamed up to get back at the town for the foul sorcery of an elderly wizard who lives nearby. Through positive reviews they hope to attract the wizards attention and deal with him once and for all.
A few options:
- The party could help find the wizard, bringing him to Babblebee’s to make him pay for his crimes
- The party could leave things alone
- The party could unravel a bigger mystery around where Billy Grelliot and the mouthers came from and what the wizard actually did to make them seek revenge.
What would your party do in this situation?
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