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Loosely based on the classic film Nosferatu, this encounter features a real estate agent trying to sell a home, but running into trouble. Strange things keep happening during his showings and he needs the assistance of the party to unearth the eery happenings so he can sell this house!
Intended for parties Level 8 or higher, depending on the number of monsters added.
Key NPCs
- Tommy Shutters – Half-orc Bard who is the top real estate agent in the tri-town area. He can sell anything to anyone. He is sharply dressed and cares deeply about his work. He views getting folks into the right home as his acts of service and fights hard for his clients.
- Count Snorlock II – The Killmoulis who hired Tommy Shutters to sell his home. He never had any intention of selling, but knew that putting his home on the market would bring “big people” through, who he can then observe and play pranks on. He’s just a lonely lil’ guy and doesn’t mean to cause any distress.

Walking through town, the party is approached by realtor Tommy Shutters. He is frantic and has heard tales of the party’s heroics (or barbarism) and is looking for some trustworthy mercenaries to solve his problem. Tommy is willing to give the party half of his commission if they can close a deal, but needs them to act as prospective buyers to not raise any alarms.
If the party agrees, the next showing is coming up in 2 hours.
Whether walking through town or asking Tommy Shutters more questions, the party can learn some additional details about what has been going on at the home during and after showings. Some are true, some are loosely true.
- Tommy Shutters was asked to sell the home, but never met the owner, as they noted they’d already moved away
- Strange things keep happening, little pranks, but the showings are getting worse
- Door handles randomly are reversed
- Someone keeps writing “butt” in the bathroom mirror
- A fake snake launched out of a closet when opened
- Paintings have expressions that change
- Random knocking coming from the walls
- Fewer people are showing up to the showings, but all the food is eaten up regardless
- One couple swears they saw a vampire lurking in one of the closets
- One couple entered the home but never came out, Tommy Shutters believes they left when no one was looking
- Townsfolk see candles moving through the house at night even though it’s unoccupied
Open House
During the investigation by the party, the must take on the appearance of prospective homebuyers. The DM should insist that they figure out their backstories and role play as they are wandering through the house.

The house itself is two stories with the first floor handling the kitchen, dining area, sitting area, a washroom, and a small library.
The second floor of the house has three bedrooms, one washroom, and several closets.
There is no basement (that anyone knows of, WINK).
Things to find within the home during investigation checks (each of increasing significance):
- Food scraps that lead into the walls, they look like they’ve been inhaled in some form or fashion
- Barely traceable footprints, that seem to belong to a creature about one foot tall
- Some loose wall panels that reveal small corridors behind the walls
- If these are explored, it is likely that the party will quickly find the source, but the corridors are roughly one foot in width, so only the smallest may enter
- Large beady eyes in a painting that seem to move when the party passes by
- If anyone in the party is loosely fey, or leaning toward the more righteous side of the alignment chart, they will hear faint giggles and whispers, all coming from one voice
- Traces of blood in the kitchen near the dining room table
- Beneath the rug under the dining room table is a trap door that leads to a basement
If the party is struggling to learn more about the house and the shenanigans that are taking place, or once they find several clues, a Killmoulis will pop out in front of the party and smile with his eyes. The one-foot fey creature is not shy and seems to want to assist the party. His big eyes and bigger nose make him a bit odd to look at.

A killmoulis can be either a bane or boon to an adventuring party. When kept well fed with tasty treats, this creature is a helpful assistant that mends armor, collects herbs that make the blandest rations into a feast, and turns a dull, uncomfortable campsite into a welcoming refuge. But if a party abuses or neglects a killmoulis, the creature’s mean-spirited thirst for revenge can turn even the simplest expedition into a draining ordeal that leaves adventurers tired, dispirited, and sullen.
Mordenkainen’s Fiendish Folio Volume 1
He holds up cue cards that say:
- “Hello, my name is Count Snorlock II and I am the owner of this home.”
- “It is my great pleasure to meet you big folk!”
- “I’m sorry if my pranks caused distress, but I needed to draw attention.”
- “There are several vampires living in the basement and I’m concerned for the town.”
Count Snorlock II can also engage with the party telepathically if mechanically that is easier on the DM. He notes that he lived in this home with the previous owner, the real Count Snorlock, who sadly didn’t return after his recent travels, leaving the Killmoulis all alone (maybe a hook for another adventure).
The Killmoulis initially put the house on the market to find a new group to befriend, but is glad folks are still showing up so someone can put an end to the vampires in the basement. Depending on the time of day, the vampires will either be active or asleep in some makeshift coffins. Count Snorlock II can give the party as many details as needed, but insists they rid the home of vampires.
The Basement
The party should decide whether they want to inform Tommy Shutters about the vampires before heading into the basement. The only consequence is that the property value is likely to go down, though they could swing it to make it MORE valuables (if they clean and remodel the basement itself in a montage).

Under the dining room table, beneath a rug, is the trapdoor to the basement. Opening the door reveals a rickety ladder heading down into darkness.
Dim torchlight fills the basement and all is quiet. Within the basement rooms (again, whatever layout you see fit works here), there are 2 Vampire Spawn (the couple that went missing earlier), as well as a male and female Vampire. It is unlikely that the vampires can be reasoned with, but Count Snorlock II believes they are looking for a summer home. As this home was vacant, or seemingly so, they set up shop in the basement.
DMs Note: You can adjust the number of vampires to fit the party level.
It is possible that the party can work with Tommy Shutters to find a good home for the vampires, but it will put the town at risk and Tommy will be reluctant to sell to them.
There are many options for resolution here and any good DM will know how best to reward the party. Some rewards to consider:
- Maybe they get the home itself if they vow to determine what happened to the original Count Snorlock (especially if the town is a home base)
- The vampires can share a special power or potion if they manage to persuade them to leave without violence
- The Killmoulis could choose to leave the home for Tommy Shutters to sell and join the party moving forward