11/19/23 – Testinggggg. We’ve had some email issues recently that we believe are now resolved so these should get to your inbox as planned moving forward. Thanks for staying patient with us while we resolved the issue!
Some updates on our end:
- Thanks to all of our backers so far for The Mayor of Mayville! We’re at 64% funded with about a week left, so we’re hoping we can get that across the finish line.
- We passed 10,000 followers on Instagram! We’re still blown away with the engagement and the interest from you all so thanks for being a part of the journey so far. We’re grateful for all of you, especially those who have reached out for help, questions, or encounter suggestions.
- We’ve written over 200 encounters at this point and are going to start broadening out a bit, so moving forward we’ll have two text encounters per week, six videos (with encounters, NPCs, and DM Tips), but no more daily email. So, if you are on that daily list, don’t worry, we’ll still have all of our encounters here in the weekly email. This will give us more time to focus on a few bigger projects we’re working on.
Keep an eye out on Instagram for a great giveaway we’ll be doing in the next week with an excellent package of items for yourself or your favorite DM.
DnD Creator Spotlight
DM Resource: Looking for a quick way to add monsters to your games but find flipping through the Monster Manual to be a pain? Beyond The Beasts Monster Cards are a helpful resource for giving high quality descriptions and backgrounds on monsters with extended powers. Lair actions, common variations, these cards make things a breeze. We got a sneak peek and will have more on that in a few weeks, but the campaign launches in 12 days!
Artist: We found these isometric dungeon crawling drawings earlier in the week and were inspired by the style. Guillaume Bonnet (mr.zazb) is also the “scribbler on the webcomic at thethiefoftales.com” which is on its 284th panel. Awesome bits of inspiration for your next dungeon crawl.

Maker: Printed Encounter on Thingiverse and MyMiniFactory. Treasure golem, land shark, and an angry halfling baker are just a few of the unique model designs from Jamie of Printed Encounter. We’re big fans of unique and silly STLs, and these definitely fit the bill.
DM Resource: From Graycastle Press comes Deals of Opportunity, a free tool that taps into your DriveThruRPG and The Dungeon Master’s Guild wishlists to automatically notify you when any titles on those lists are discounted! Add them to your Deals of Opportunity account, and that’s it. Set it and forget it. Plus, it’s completely free. Worth checking out if you use DTRPG or DMG frequently.
Artist: The encounter portion of our brains were activated when we came across skullemojii_ on Instagram, especially this drawing: “In the vast realm of the seven seas, one name instills terror in the hearts of all who dare to sail its waters “The Dragon”.” Now all we want to do is write out a backstory and his history.

Have other creators we should feature? Let us know
Free NPCs
- Sh’a Keera – A female Tabaxi owner of an undergarment-only store called “Just Butt Stuff” that has been acting suspicious lately. In reality a new fabric she started using is causing her to sneeze as she is severely allergic. Her face has swelled up quite a bit as well, leading folks to believe she is slowly turning into a werewolf
- Thadeous Cheeks – A hogfolk bard known for his Thunderclap dance, Thadeous has spent years on the road, seeking revenge for his lost lute. During a battle of the bands, he handed off his prized lute to, what he thought, was a trustworthy kobold stagehand, but the kobold disappeared into the night, leaving him with no instrument in the grand finale.
- Cramjaw Nomnom – A generally jovial Firbolg who likes to throw feasts for the townsfolk a few times a year. The food is…interesting, lacks flavor, and wiggles a bit more than normal. His intentions are good, but he’s starting to get a sense that people aren’t enjoying his feasts and is feeling a bit down when the party meets him.
This Week’s Encounters
- Beware of Turkey Lurkey – Farms are having their poultry stolen by a shadowy turkey monster they have named “Turkey Lurkey.” Players are faced with an ethical dilemma: destroy the creature or join him. Party levels 1-3.
- Poultrygeist – A Thanksgiving Encounter – An annual feast is interrupted by a gobbling ghost spooking townsfolk. The party must defeat the terrible tom to restore order. Levels 1-3
- The Non-Voyage of the Stayflower – A city needs help getting rid of a hulking abandoned ship, left rotting in the dock. However, the ship is not as abandoned as previously thought: cultists are using it to summon their aboleth lord. Party levels 12+.
If you have a moment, we’d appreciate it if you could take a quick survey for feedback about what else you’d like to see in these weekly newsletters.
Other DnD Encounter Ideas
- Ankhegs gathering around the table, about to feast on humans
- Do you ruin their holiday? Anks gotta eat too.
- A man named Hank generously gives out [some super common item that no one wants] every year
Macy’s Gray Parade (John)
- Knight who marches in front with his mace like a baton
- Drab and boring
- Attendance at an all time low
- Party must make it more exciting