We get it, as a Dungeon Master you’ve got a lot going on, so it’s likely easier to take a map someone else has already made and re-use that instead of dreaming up your own. Have no fear noble DM, for we’ve got you. Below are 20 of our favorite spots to grab free DnD maps for that random Bluekill MK-2 battle you’re about to have in 30 minutes.
In no particular order, here are 20+ spots to snag free DnD maps.
1. Dyson Maps
The golden standard when it comes to free maps, Dyson’s Dodecahedron is absolutely insane. From DnD Megadungeons (including a 30-map MegaDelve) and modular maps, to a simple tower cross-section and hex crawls, Dyson does it all. In total he has (we would guess) 200+ maps available at this point. Most maps are available for free for non-commercial use both with and without grid lines.
The best part is they are also in grayscale, so you can easily print them on blueprint paper at Staples for all your in-person map needs.

As Dyson said, “Good lord I love maps.” For the above map, you could re-purpose for our Wordle the Tortle DnD encounter.
2. The Fateful Force
One of the things we love about these free DnD maps is that they are categorized by adventure. Running Curse of Strahd? They’ve got a map collection for you. Lost Mines? Yep, map pack.
3. r/battlemaps | Reddit
Subreddits are a mixed bag, but we’ve got a few on this list because it’s easy to scroll through and find a map that works for your upcoming game. First up is /r/battlemaps, some link to Google Drive files, some to a free post on Patreon, but the different styles can sometimes be enough inspiration to go draw it yourself with some markers and a battle mat. Best part, there are about 15 posts per day.

4. r/dndmaps | Reddit
Mid-2023 r/dndmaps made a ruling to not allow AI maps and we think this was a nice gesture. It allows the sub to stay focused on folks creating their own maps without letting in the Midjourney-generated maps. Don’t get us wrong, we like Midjourney a lot, but we also like the extra bit of care and personalization folks put in their maps. Do yourself a favor and filter by City Map in here as well. Big fans. Around 10 maps per day.
5. Cze and Peku | Patreon
If our eyes do not deceive us, Cze and Peku may just be the biggest map maker in all of the internet in terms of popularity, followers and Patreon intake. With 40,689 members (at the time of publishing), their maps must be pretty amazing right? Correct, just peep this Iron Age Hamlet image below. They make maps for all TTRPG and even have some animated maps. Bright, colorful, detailed, and all-around nice to look at, Cze and Peku do amazing work. They put out a new map pack weekly, so keep an eye out.

5. r/fantasymaps | Reddit
Location-based flair is one of our favorite parts of this sub for DnD maps. Same as the others, image is posted, post has link (Google Drive or Patreon), and therein lies your free map. Give me those aquatic maps! Only about 5 posts a day in this sub.

6. AtaraxianBear | Patreon
Is this one attached to a Patreon profile? Yes, but there are over 171 public posts, each with at least one free map inside. Some have even more like this 200 map dumperoonie.
7. DMs Guild
Just search for maps and click that “Free” price filter in the left sidebar to start filtering down. You can also find Pay What You Want maps here. Quality varies a bit, but it can still be a solid spot for free maps or at the very least inspiration.
8. BirdieMaps | Patreon
Another map mogul, BirdieMaps has a map for just about every occasion. We’ve referenced these previously in posts like The Buck Stops Here. With free versions of the day maps (or $1.50/month), there are tons of maps and packs to choose from.

9. MapGuffin | Patreon
First, love the name. Second, this is one of the only mapmakers we’ve found that gives different perspectives of view for their maps. Sure there’s the top-down view for battle, but there are several other points of view Eddie uses. With both static and animated maps, MapGuffin has basic versions available for free, with different versions available through Patreon.
10. Rusty Maps
Maps, assets, brushes, and tutorials for those who pay, but some free maps available for those who don’t.
More Maps!
- Dungeon Mapster | Patreon
- Monthly public maps
- We especially loved the October maps around a spooky village
- Nerdy Maps | Patreon
- Sometimes you just need a Sand Dunes map!
- Gridded and ungridded maps with variants every week
- Darkest Maps | Patreon
- Marco & Jasmine create high-quality maps ready to be used in your RPG sessions
- City Gates, swamps, such cool hand drawn maps from them, especially this Black Market map
- The Mad Cartographer | Patreon
- You mad bro? In this case…yes. One of the biggest Patreon memberships we’ve ever seen, The Mad Cartographer has a free tier that gives folks maps 2-3 times per month.
- Borough Bound | boroughbound.com | Patreon
- The team at Borough Bound doesn’t only create maps, they build out full campaigns and assets around those maps.
- System-agnostic, come for the maps, stay for the music and guides
- Daniel’s Maps | Patreon
- Battlemaps created by, yep, Daniel
- 2-3 battlemaps per month
- Big fan of the Ruined Church map
- Tactical Map |
- Dice Grimorium
- Corny Maps
- Ways Unseen | Patreon
- Afternoonmaps | Patreon
Have other creators we should add to the list? Let us know! We hope to grow this list over time, so the more the merrier.