12/24/23 – We’ve done it! v1.0 of Mayor of Mayville is available for all of you as a thank you for the awesome year. We’re calling this “early access” because we still want to make some adjustments over the next week, but the biggest pieces are there. Click here to get the PDF.
Thanks for your patience and support along the way and BIG thank you to Isaac Benge for the fantastic cover art as well as Snoop1000, Jason Lee, and Kevin Snape for their editing reviews.
You all have made this an incredibly fun year and we’re extremely excited to get this one shot into your hands. As always, reach out on Instagram if you have any thoughts or feedback!
DnD Creator Spotlight
Artist: Isaac Benge (@obsidianthehoax). Isaac did the cover art for The Mayor of Mayville and he’s got a wonderfully goofy style. Big ol’ bug eyes with some great detail with everything else, he captured exactly what we were looking for with Mayor Chad Fantastic.

Have other creators we should feature? Let us know
This Week’s Encounters
The First Gnoll “L”
- A snowy town is being terrorized by a band of gnolls, vicious hyena-headed humanoids.
- However, these gnolls aren’t raiders or bandits, but rather the undefeated figure-skating champions of the realm.
- The town pleads with the party to enter this year’s competition on their behalf and defeat the sequin-studded gnolls, giving them their first Gnoll “L” since the contest’s inception.
- What follows is a ridiculous ice-skating competition, where players take risks and earn points by performing clever moves and complicated spins.
- Strong players might try impressive lifts or tosses with their lighter comrades.
- Others may try single, double, or triple axels, the DC of the dex check increasing with each aerial spin added to the move.
- Failures result in falling prone on the ice in embarrassment or, for critical failures, crashing through the ice entirely, possibly forcing others to sacrifice their own turns to pull their ally to safety.
- Whichever team earns the most points in 3 rounds wins the contest.
Who Drank All The Ankheg-nog
- The party enters a town where the townsfolk are obsessed with a new drink called Ankhegnog
- The spice mix and creaminess have the townsfolk raving about the boozy beverage, even though it makes their throats burn a bit
- Investigating the distillery making the drink, the party meets Hollister Jollister, aka Holly who claims she found the perfect blend of spices after years of trial and error
- In reality she’s struck a deal with a hive of ankheg which the distillery is built on top of
- She produces the cows, the ankheg produce the nog
- Past the ankheg laborers and ankheg foreman overseeing the production lies their queen, extracting her concentrated acid spray into barrels
- The barrels are then mixed with the milk from Hollys cows
- If the party decides to upend the operation, they’re in for a pretty large fight
- Inspection of the drink reveals that it’s overall not bad for the townsfolk, other than some long-term esophageal issues (50+ years)
If you have a moment, we’d appreciate it if you could take a quick survey for feedback about what else you’d like to see in these weekly newsletters.
Other DnD Encounter Ideas That Didn’t Make It
- Fleece Navi Dodd
- The party is asked to negotiate with a shady local merchant named Navi Dodd and fleece him (possible that it has to deal with sheep as well)
- Winter Plunder land
- A group of pirates went the wrong direction and crashed into the frozen tundra, where they now operate their ship as an amusement park for the locals.
- Hark it’s Harold’s Angels
- A herald gives up his day job and builds a team for fighting crime like Charlie’s Angels…but it’s a herald. Maybe something with demons and real angels too.