Weekly recappppp. For ideas that made it into full encounters, we’ve got the following:
- The F Word – You can’t spell Fomorian without FOMO
- Mince Your Words – Come hungry, leave knowing “Fireball”
- Wordle The Tortle -A guard that chooses puzzles over guarding needs some assistance.
- Word to Your Mother – Stealthily place mementos so a dragonborn phones home
- Bird Is The Word – An ornithologist gets more than she bargains for when studying flying creatures.
- Can’t Get a Word in Edgewise – Something in the basement keeps eating a blacksmith’s wares
These will likely show up in the form of our DnD Encounter Idea videos on Instagram and YouTube in the future, but here are the ideas that ended at a few bullet points:
What’s the word, word up?
- Wizarding student is taking an exam and struggling to remember how to cast reverse gravity
- “Is it…word up?”
- Help him cheat? Otherwise, he gets expelled, and he has a family at home he’s providing for (moral dilemma)
Word Generator
- Town is lives in a place with no coal, no running water, and no wind…need an alternate source of power
- They create a “generator” that powers the town so long as someone is talking to it, and telling it that it’s a good generator (runs on positive feedback)
- But everyone’s voice is getting hoarse…they all talk in whispers…they need you to fetch some herbal tea remedy to help keep the town operational
- Reclaim some of the herbs so they can plant it in the town and grow their own.
The Spoken Word
- Something with verbal only spells “power word kill” sort of thing
- Underground Vicious Mockery battle (like rap battles)
- 8 mile parody
- Barbarian (or some non-bard) wants to hit it big
- Type: roleplay / performance

Picture Worth a Thousand Words
- A realm-renown painter is selling his painting, but instead of cash he would like someone to write a review, which must be 1,000 words or more
- He wants to go back to school for something, but he needs help with his entrance exam, which requires am essay submission about a famous painting
- Write the 1000 words and he will give you his final painting that’s high-value
- “I never learned to write, but THAT’S why i’m trying to go to college!”
Then some remaining randoms:
- Crossword Puzzle
- Paladin’s holy symbol
- Spread the Word
- Newspaper is back…Rodrick Inkwell needs paperboys to see if his paper should expand to neighboring villages and test how well it goes
- Four letter words
- A group of youths are in trouble for saying the swear words
- My Word is Bond
- Warding Bond…farmer casts a warding spell to protect his cattle
- Cattle being eaten by flies, and the farmer is now sharing in that pain and needs HERBS TO MAKE A SALVE
- A Man of Few Words
- No one has heard the monk fighter speak in over 2 years buuuuuut
- A Man of Feud Words…Hatfield/McCoy land dispute
- Actions Speak Louder Than Words
- Ax-tions…join a barbarian as he makes a statement by hacking apart something
- Barbarian politician making his points but can only do so through violence
- Running against a kenku that regurgitates everything he says
- Buzzword
- Spell to summon a swarm of bees
- Giant wasps get summoned accidentally
- Equivalent of bee vanishing situation…they are all hanging out in this one particular garden getting drugged up on the delicious nectar
- Beekeeper struggling with his hives
- Mum’s the word
- A flower salesman tries to expand their product line