First, the ideas that did make it…
- Blue Balls, Big Package
- Home is Where the Gravity Isn’t
- Penny For Your Dots?
- What Lies in the Depths
- Age Before Beauty
- Clues with Detective Steve
We hope you enjoyed these! Let us know which one was your favorite. Now, onto the ideas that didn’t make it.
Blue Man Troupe
- They use minor illusions to make themselves look blue
- Not sure on the conflict
- Maybe something like they make it big to perform in front of royalty to get a chance at assassination
The (Blue)Birds
Annoying bluejays gathering ominously around a druid’s house and they are too paranoid to leave.
Why is the sky blue?
- A particular town has never seen a blue sky until this week when the party passes through
- Folks are falling into mass hysteria because it’s too vibrant and beautiful for their eyes
- Hurts some people
- Maybe the party has to create sunglasses with a local inventor
- Or need clouds to make it gray

Blue screen of death
- A strange portal/screen in front of a door
- When used incorrectly or with incorrect passcode 3 times, it turns blue and kills whoever is in front
Bluetooth connectivity devices
- Some magic that links people’s thoughts together and turns their teeth blue
The Blues Have It
- A colorblind tailor accidentally releases a singular blue outfit and it sends a city into shambles/chaos
- Do they all want the blue outfit?
- Massive murder spree to get it?
Blue Bloods
- A town is overrun by blue bloods
- Subclass of orc that has an overwhelming sense of law and order
Dye Another Day / Tomorrow Never Dyes / Live And Let Dye
- Local dye retailer
- Sale on all blue items
- Owner: Perry and Lapis Winkle
- After 48 hours, the clothing becomes a vibrant blue in a loud pop and suggestive moan sound
- Pompous elite comes in to get clothing tailored…can sabotage his big presentation in 2 days covering using poor people as building materials
- What is this, a Bob’s Burgers episode?
The Most Minor of Ideas
These are the ones that were just brief thoughts, not even a fully-fledged idea.
- Parody of bluey, theater show that people love
- ”Blue Steel”-male modeling
- Blue light special – A local merchant has the sale of a lifetime
- Kellee Bluebook evaluating carriages and carts in DND
- Twist on the Grimm fairy tale of Bluebeard