As we will every week, we’re tossing in the ideas that were too dumb and didn’t make it to a full encounter. This week it’s the remains of our bunny series. Let us know below which should have made it!
The ones that made it:
- Lucky Rabbit’s Foot…Right? Right?!
- A Run to Remember
- Behold The Power of Lambunck – A cult takes on a rare three-headed enemy
- Bringing Down a Bun-hemoth
- To Dust They Shall Return
The above are prepped for Dungeons & Dragons 5e or any other TTRPG. The below? Wellll, not so much.
A little obvious, no?
Something that pays homage to the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog from Monty Python. Have the vicious rabbit protecting some treasure within a cave. Maybe it’s protecting a larger, generally more aggressive creature.
And Now I’ll Pull From My Hat…
A magician loses his rabbit which he needs to complete his magic trick for a wealthy nobleman’s child’s birthday, and he needs the party to dress as various performers (clowns, jugglers, etc.) to patrol the birthday party, even going so far as sneaking into the mansion…maybe finding something nefarious in the basement?
How About An Egg In This Trying Time
An easter egg hunt! Not sure about the conflict, but maybe an egg was left behind that’s not a fake egg. Cracking it will reveal a newly hatched baby dragon that now imprints on you and joins on the journey…until mama shows up…
Brave New World
Rabbit farmer leaves cages open before heading away on a 3-month trip for business; rabbits breed to insane levels. He returns and finds his farm taken over by hyper-intelligent and organized rabbits who now have the farmer’s family held captive inside the cages. The prisoners are now orange because they’ve only been fed carrots, but they also have crazy good eyesight now.

White Rabbit
Some item: “The White Rabbit’s Pocket Watch.” By having this item in your possession, you will always end up late. This is bad for meetings you’ve planned with people, but this also means that you will never fall into any traps or ambushes (because you’ll always show up later than your attackers thought).
The ones so bad they didn’t get fully formed descriptions
- Look at the bunnies
- A little more depressing since of Mice and Men, but
- Hare of the dog
- Rabbit Rabbit
- Nickname of some hideous Ogre is bunny
- Hopping plague…dance craze sweeping the nation?
- Tortoise and the hare
- Bunnicula
- Gauntlets of Bunnicide
- “Bunsen Burner”…rabbit with fire magic
- Harvey (1950)-meets-Frank (Donnie Darko) parody but in DnD
- Guy…imaginary friend who is a rabbit (rabbit being does exist…warnings about the upcoming apocalypse)
- Local apocalypse…single meteor, think Tunguska Event
- Wizard who dabbles in astronomy sees it coming and is trying to warn the town
- Mad Hallucination