Welcome back for another week of ideas that had some weight to them, but didn’t manage to make it out of our brains as a full encounter/item/NPC.
First, our heroes of the Rain saga and then our smattering of half-baked, ridiculous ideas.
- Tabaxi in the Slacks-y
- Merry Old Land of “Ahhs!”
- Where’s The Beef?
- Boots of Squeaking [Item]
- It Pours
- Gloomy Gus [NPC]
Now, onto the ideas that might make it into your game, but didn’t get very far in our own brains.

Purple Rain
- 2 cultists think the end is near
- You need to reunite them before the world “ends”, fueled by adrenaline and desperation to not be alone
- When the world doesn’t end, they decide that they’re better off as friends and go their separate ways
- Alternatively, you could cause a local “end of the world” to kill them and give them what they want (trigger an avalanche, hit em with fireball)
Don’t rain on my parade
- Local mayor begs a sorcerer to stop raincasting on parade days. Has done it annually for the last 10 years
- The sorcerer is worried about the pyrotechnics
Raining cats and dogs literally
- Cats land on their feet
- Dogs land face first, creating a smushed-nose breed
- Realize its the act of an angry Tabaxi trying to rid the world of dogs (though unsuccessfully)
Rain, sleet, snow, hail…postal service
- Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.
- Deliver a special package through the elements

Rain dance
- Crops dying out, desperately need rain
- The god that watches over the town is only impressed by elaborate dance routines
- Flash mob dances?
Heavy Rain
- The party has to control 4 different townsfolk that are critical for X thing to happen
- “Dealing with a range of adult themes, the game revolves around a plot and narrative threads that explore a moral proposition.”
- Sounds boring…like the game
ASMR rain soundscapes
- Halfing going from home to home to help individuals sleep or focus
- Only mouth-noises
- Wants the party to help him expand the business
- Performance checks
- For every success, they net 2gp
The Least Formed Thoughts
- Acid rain – Good acid though, like vinegar
- Set Fire to the Rain
- Wizarding contest
- Every year, it’s a bizarre challenge…this one requires lighting water on fire
- Full Metal Alchemist play on “it’s raining”
- Townsfolk can’t stop crying
- Under my umbrella
- Tabaxi-run company making an umbrella that fits five people underneath
- Rainforest
- Small single square mile of tropical rainforest remains in the area
- Join protestors tying themselves to trees to keep it from being developed
- Alternatively, Rainforest Cafes
- Gutter business
- Drainage Company of some sort?