As a kid, I spent more hours with Worms Armageddon than I did learning proper grammar. One of the weapons that I mastered and always made me double over in laughter was the “Sheep” weapon line. The below items are lovingly crafted after that model.

Exactly what goes on inside the Sheep’s mind? Best not to think about it, just let him go and watch him bounce across the landscape. If the Sheep comes across an obstacle or ravine then he will do his best to get across it. Pressing fire once sends the Sheep on his way and then the second press detonates him, if he’s left too long jumping around then he will get tired and do something about it himself.
Standard Exploding Sheep [Item]
Trapped inside a Bag of Holding (which is exactly sheep-sized), you keep one Sheep. This sheep is unlike any other in the worlds for you see, this sheep explodes. Whether remotely detonated, or after a period of time, Sheep has the power of 1,000 suns (okay, more like 5).
When released, Sheep will begin jumping in the direction of the target, jumping ten feet up and ten feet out, hopping for a total of 20 seconds, or until detonated. You hold the detonator with you on the bag of holding. It is a small button attached to the strap, allowing for quick-slapping detonation if needed.
Left to its own devices Sheep will detonate at the end of the 20 seconds, bouncing off any walls it may encounter along the way.
Once detonated, any creature within a 10-foot radius takes 5d6 bludgeoning damage and 2d8 fire damage.
Sheep is volatile enough to rip through buildings as well as creatures, so be careful where you send it.

Exploding Sheep Launcher [Item]
“You know, I want to launch an exploding sheep at those people over there, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.”
Looking for something with a little more range? The Sheep Launcher is the tool for you. A tube that rests on one’s shoulder (similar to our Potato Launcher) launches a sheep in the direction it is being aimed. The sheep itself is contained within the tube and needs neither food nor drink to stay active.
Once launched, the sheep will hurtle through the air, the player using 80/320 distances to determine if they need to roll with disadvantage or not.
At any point in the sheep’s trajectory, the creature in control of the launcher is able to whisper a command word, making the sheep fall directly down from the sky it is passing through.
Once it lands (early or from full flight), it will jump around tend feet out and ten feet up. If left for 12 seconds it will explode on its own, or the creature that launched it can detonate the sheep remotely.
Upon detonation, any creature within a 10-foot radius takes 5d6 bludgeoning damage and 2d8 fire damage.
Super Sheep [Item]
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s 5d6 + 2d8 points of damage coming your way.
The most rare of all Exploding Sheep, the Super Sheep is held within the Bag of Holding, but when retrieved is wearing a cape. On the release word, the sheep and creature controlling it link minds and the creature can control the sheep telekenetically.
With a range of 240ft, the creature in control can direct the sheep at its foes, its wooly compatriot baaa’ing as it flies. The creature has total control of the flight path. Total time for flight itself is 20 seconds, more than enough time to get to the 240ft range, if still in flight at that time it will detonate.
On impact or detonation, any creature within a 10-foot radius takes 5d6 bludgeoning damage and 2d8 fire damage.
All of these sheep can be acquired from Gunpowder Druids, a nomadic tribe of sheep herders that traverse the planes. The explosive qualities of the sheep are a mixture of feeding small amounts of gunpowder and nitroglycerine to their sheep each meal.