Welcome back for another edition of our worst ideas. Before we get into the baddies, let’s get into the ideas that made it above the baaaaar.
- Do Constructs Dream…?
- Calmer Sheep Chase
- Sheepless in Seaddle
- What The Flock
- Nothing Bleats a Good Night’s Sleep
- [Items] Exploding Varietals
What The Flock came in as a big winner for folks this week, but was it your favorite? Let us know below!
Now, onto the bad ideas available for use in Dungeons & Dragons 5e or other TTRPGs.

Cult of the Lamb
- Cultists worshipping the wise and mighty sheep
- Murals in their halls of a great sheep riding into battle
- It’s literally just a portly sheep that eats grains all day
- Real owner is beside herself because they stole her sheep, gotta get it back
Something with wool obv
- -pull wool over the eyes
- Wool sweaters for a distant lighthouse keeper…need to sail to the tiny island to deliver the sweater…find that he’s gone crazy
Black sheep
- Help X person regain their renown in town after some humiliating event that leaves them ostricized
- “Black sheep of family”…regain respect of family to that he’s not written out of the will
- Help me re-earn my family’s love
- IT’s not ACTUALLY a family member…it’s just a person who wants to inherit money, pretends like he’s family (Greg from Succession..randomly showing up).
The sheep plague
- Every 30 years a line of sheep plagues a town, eating all the crops grass and countryside
- The line of sheep stretches from horizon to horizon
Something with Monty Python’s sheep sketch
- They are robots and made as a trojan horse-esque travel device
- https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2v9uxz
- They believe they’re birds
Society of Wool-Gatherers
…they go and shear sheep, they gather wool into soft cushions, they lie on the wool and look into the sky and daydream for the rest of the afternoon.
One Line Ideas
- “Wild Sheep Chase”…connection to Murakami novel
- Silence of the Lambs
- Sheepish…guy crushing on a girl…Cyrano situation
- Godzilla-sized sheep or a Snorlax-like sheep
- Ewe-nicorn
- Sheep in wolves clothing…literally a sheep druid who wears a wolf hide
- New art style, baaaaa relief (like bas relief)