There were a lot this week. There are normally a lot, but this week had the most ideas with some meat on the bone. Hopefully, some will trigger some inspiration for you!
First, a quick review of what made it:
- A Rat You Say?
- He Who Smelt It, Dealt It
- Stink To High Heaven
- You Take My Morning Breath Away
- Like Teen Spirits
- Sweet Victory [Item]
Wake up and smell the coffee
- Town doesn’t realize they can drink the coffee, have been eating the grounds instead
- Party must tell them the steps
- They don’t get it “why add more time”
- Town has an issue where no one ever gets up on time, the businesses are failing…productivity is low
- Town needs to be inconveniently located in a place that’s so boring…the weather is always just temperate, land is flat, sky is gray, all buildings same, everyone dresses the same

Smells that trigger memories
- Can only roll for smell to see if you recall history
- Roll for smell
- Why would this be the case?
- “Do I know the age of this document?” “Roll for Smell” “9” “You’ve never smelled a document like this before”
Smells like home
- Really important person coming back to town, funds the town, this is his summer home (temporary his stay)
- His house tragically burned down while away
- He’s blind
- SO the town needs to pretend like his home and everything he remembers is still there…
- Read his journal, figure out the barnyard smells he likes, the flowers he has potted in the windowsill
- The villagers dress like walls and stand around like the house (maybe one sneezes, the party has to make up an excuse for it).
The Nose Knows
- Town that notoriously cannot smell anything, one marketer begins lying about what something smells like and everyone begins claiming they too can smell it
- This cool new smell…everyone wants to be hipsters and claim they can smell and appreciate it (like looking at art, smelling something, “oh, I totally get those notes…), wine snobs.
- Reverse emperors new clothes?
The Scent Is Mightier
- Weapons like scented markers, strike someone and they smell like strawberries
- Mr. Sketch—really shady weapons/arms-dealer. Has these scented weapons.
- Everyone smells like fruit now, attracting the attention of bears
- Soldiers are fighting with the weapons and attracting more bears
- Task force of park rangers to take down one bear…now there are lots

A rose by any other name
- Putting on a Shakespearean play—bad troupe of actors (Midsummer)
- Some town or people that are ridiculous
- Similar to rick and morty gopher butt people world
- Plays are written entirely in Old Speech, Thorass, something no one understands or an ancient language
- Realize that the supposed “playwright” actually dipped his hands through time and stole the manuscript from an old era writer
- Who now returns and is angry and demands his royalties in blood
- All characters wearing tights and poofy Shakespeare pants
Items & NPCs
- Axe body spray [rare weapon]
- Spray it on yourself…cloud of “ax”
- Cloud is made up of microscopic axes
- Cloud overtakes opponent doing slashing damage
- Spray it once on an NPC…they now become an Axe (talking weapon) and can be forcibly carried on the journey +1 axe, but it’s always whining and wanting to go home

- Gaseous Cassius [NPC]
- A little gnome who has an ailment which makes him fart constantly
- Nose of Sniffing [item]
- +2 to passive perception when worn
- Added bonus from being able to smell better
- The nose is gigantic and always draws attention (when talking to an NPC, they stare fixedly at the character with the big nose)
- +2 to passive perception when worn
- Smelly Welly (Wellington) [NPC]
- A knight with wretched BO but can’t shower because his armor resists all water damage (cursed…can’t be removed)…go to the cursed shrine where he got it
- Demon first refuses but then is like “dear God you smell awful.”
- To not be smelly, he must give devil his …?
What are some other smell-based ideas you’ve got? Let us know and let us know if you end up using any of these in your campaigns!