Author: Trent

English teacher, actor, and active participant in multiple DnD campaigns. He enjoys generating ridiculous ideas for stories and games.

Buy loot (ahem…LUTE*) boxes in hopes of winning fabulous prizes. Solve the mystery of this gacha game’s addictive nature and take down the fey responsible. Levels 4-7.

Bunny Tyler’s mural attracts the unwanted attention of a cyclops. Now, he stubbornly won’t move and is eclipsing the artwork, preventing Bunny from receiving her commission. Levels 4-7.

Florence Affleck starts a life insurance business, but problems arise when average citizens run off to do be heroes, thinking that they’re immortal.

An new exercise system is all the craze among the elite…but why do riders keep on vanishing?

Players help the undead clothier Michael Korpse gather rare spider silk to continue his zombie-friendly clothing line. They encounter dangers, including the spiders themselves as well as a disgruntled wight in this cave encounter for levels 4-7.

Based on The Grinch, this NPC is a green-furred bugbear that may have a bigger heart than he initially shows.

A frost giant who aspires to be an elf has captured the local snow elves, imprisoning them in glass terrariums and keeping them safely on his shelf. Stealthily rescue the prisoners and take care of the giant in this encounter for party levels 4-7.