What’s in a game? Well, a lot apparently. A broad range of ideas this week from gameshows to D&D twists on how HBO should have ended one of their shows, to a centaur in denial, and a kenku with abdominal troubles. Here are the ideas that made it to the page.
- You Sunk My Battle Swan
- Deuces-Wild Daggers [Item]
- Is There a Doctor in the House?
- Of Thrones
- Want to Play?
- On With The Show
We also hit our one hundred subscribers this week! 🎉🎊 Thank you so much for joining us each week on this crazy ride. We hope you’re having as much fun as we are writing these silly encounters and items.
Now, on with the ideas that got stuck in the idea vault!

The game is Afoot
- Sherlock Holme’s murder mystery
- Inspector Steve is much too busy with another case, his newly hired sidekick Watson sees this as an opportunity to earn his mentor’s respect
- You accompany Watson to solve the crime
- Twist: Inspector Steve WAS behind it, but it was a rite of passage to see if he had the right “stuff” to be a professional investigator
Mouse Trap
- Standard tavern start with a twist, the party cannot actively kill any of the rats themselves, they must construct a machine with only the items the barkeep has available
- Pest service, but the guy sees it as an art, so he insists on setting up an elaborate system…during that time, the rats steadily take over the entire house
- build an elaborate contraption to catch rodents in a basement, Rube Goldberg
Connect Four
- The party arrives at a door with a grid, must play a game of connect four, where the other side is played by an ancient spirit protecting the door
- If they win, the door opens
- If they lose, ancestral spirits rush out from the door and fight them
Gotta Catch Em All (Grab Bag)
- He got game
- A town is enamored with a gentleman who is the master hunter of the group and regularly brings back more game than expected. But something is amiss.
- Game of Death
- Party must fight their way through a tower of martial fighters and everyone is wearing yellow jumpsuits for some reason
- Help a group of Settlers as they establish a town named Katan
- A Fool’s Game
- jester wants to overthrow the king and become the new ruler
- Chutes and Ladders
- Two competing companies fight for power in a town constructed into tens of stories high
- Russian Roulette
- Too dark? Too dark.
- Squid Game
- Party and several others are kidnapped by octopi and are forced to participate in skill challenges – Squid Game in D&D could even be a great starting point for a campaign
- Wealthy koalinth bet on the games
- Ender’s game
- Simulation, but TURNS OUT IT WAS REAL
- Not sure how to pull this off in a D&D world
- Get your game face on
- Party must teach a town to look tougher than they actually are in order to prepare them for an upcoming battle
If you end up using any of the above, let us know! We love hearing about how these encounters go in your campaigns.