Here’s an NPC to drop into your holiday campaign.
The mean Mr. Grynnch is a frightening green-haired bugbear who descends from his mountain home to swipe decorations and destroy anything joyful.
If the players choose to engage with this foul creature, they will have to deal with a few of the Bugbear’s special abilities.
The Grynnch’s heart is three sizes too small, so he has advantage against being charmed.
He’s also as cuddly as a cactus, so grappling him results in 1d4 piercing damage.
Finally, any creatures starting their turns within 39 and a half feet of the Grynnch takes 1d4 poison damage.
If the Grynnch uses his signature “grin” attack, then the target sees hallucinatory termites in his smile, forcing them to make a wisdom save or be frightened.
Of course, fighting isn’t always the answer, especially this time of year.
The players may learn that the Grynnch is just a cursed Bugbear, driven to anger by the fact that his soul is filled with garlic and gunk.
Cure him to restore his color and his senses, perhaps earning a new ally in the process.
Consider giving Mr. Grynnch a companion as well, either a tiny Mastiff, a festive Blink Dog, or maybe a Death Dog, each a bit more docile than their stat blocks give them.