Each week we want to highlight folks from around the DnD community that are doing something unique, cool, or fun.
If you have someone you think we should feature, let us know! You can reply to this email, or send directly to dumbestdnd@gmail.com or follow the social links at the bottom of this email.
Quick survey for feedback about what else you’d like to see in these weekly newsletters.
Artist: The Immortal Think Tank is a “Kiwi artist drawing comics about table top rpg” and good gravy do we enjoy these. The style, the humor, all right up our alley. Give her a follow!

Podcast/Live Play: Part-time Heroes – Brand new Dungeons & Dragons livestream based in the Netherlands, streaming from Twitch every Sunday at 7pm CET.
Maps: Chris Pickford (@ankh_raven) hand-draws smaller, gritty maps that give a satisfying grunge aesthetic great for games like Mork Borg or the darker TTRPGs. Overworld maps, sideview maps, lots of inspiration to be found her.

DM Resource: Ryan Imel – Seems like Ryan is blowing up a bit right now which is awesome! He’s been doing more videos about how he runs his own games, how he handles campaign-building and worldbuilding, and overall has a cool, calm demeanor, perfect for any level DM to learn.
Have other creators we should feature? Let us know!
Up in Flames/Smoke
- Smoke mephits are clogging chimneys and smoking people out of their homes
- Party must tickle them until they die
- While the party completes this encounter, DM plays the song “Step in Time” on a loop
- Kobold chimney sweeps
- Trying to burn someone at the stake, and it’s not working
- Arrogant guy with fire resistance, bets people they can’t do any damage to him with fire
- Hustling a town
- Park Ranger controlled fire, but the forest won’t burn, Fey

Everything is Coming Up Roses
- Druid is desperately trying to win the love of a girl in town
- Dozen roses didn’t work…tries 2 dozen…then 3…then a hundred
- The town is filled with roses, and everyone is sneezing and dealing with bees
- Need to let the druid down easy…hey man, she said no…
Pull Yourself Up By Your Bootstraps
- Rich family kicks out son because he’s spoiled and need to make his own way
- Stealing people’s bootstraps…he ties them al together, and tries to lift himself up into a tree…the party finds him in that tree confused that it didn’t work. “Doesn’t money grow here?” RE: the tree.
- Has to earn X amount of gold through various enterprise/service
- THEN the family welcomes him back and the father gives him thousands of GP as seed money to continue growing his businesses
- He gives the party stock in his company(s) as a reward
I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up
- Fallen god needs help
- His name is Smorus, he has a falcon head and is responsible for overseeing camping trips and ensuring that smores are roasted properly and the ghost stories told are good ones, and the campfire songs are sung in key and the tents never blow away
- Players set up camp, wake up to find SMorus sitting there like “Hey, all. How’s our camping trip goin? Anyone got some good stories?
Did a Bang-Up Job
- Something with the spell Thunderwave
- The sound wave knocks apples from trees
- Condiment…last bit of ketchup in bottle…needs to get shaken out
- Shake-up a martini, Shake a magic 8-ball (then guy whines that it’s not the fortune he wants)
- Evil wizard, now reduced to only casting concentrated thunderwaves
- Pity him and help set him free?
- One final job that will EARN his freedom? Angry baby dragon nearby needs his baby dragon teeth knocked out, they’re loose, the new ones coming in hurt, making him ornery
Sober Up
- A drunken ogre is stumbling through town, accidentally smashing buildings and stalls
- The party must safely sober the ogre up, as he is the town baker and there’s an important baking competition in the morning with surrounding towns
- Paper boy…missing all his throws (at disadvantage) because he’s drunk
- Steps to sober someone up: Blast him with cold water (cold shower), exercise him, put him to sleep for a little nap, coffee…but he spits it out because he needs enough sugar in it to make it palatable
Knocked Up
- Town dealing with a ding-dong ditcher, knocking on doors and leaving babies in baskets
- Pets in the basket needing homes
- Learn that its a nearby animal shelter just trying to stay afloat with all the animals coming in
What Goes Up Must Come Down
- Town is REALLY upset with the concept of gravity
- Settlement from another dimension that is used to things floating?
- This gravity is bringing me down, man
- Find a way to make the area around their settlement feel more floaty and “like home”
- Reward: a gift from their home world/plane
Stand Up Comedy
- Open Mic night at the local tavern
- Party must come up with topical humor for whatever town they are in
- Performance rolls
- Who can stand in the funniest way?…strike a pose!
Up On The Housetop
- Strange reverse thief is breaking into homes and leaving presents
- Fawn wearing a red suit (fire resistant because he takes risks climbing down chimneys)
- Presents are toys that look kind of lame…he’s hoping to have his woodcarving business take-off
- Presents are cursed objects that he’s trying to get rid of after foolishly spending a lifetime collecting cursed objects because it was cool
Shut Up and Drive
- Demon expands his pit-pit golf course to a driving range
- Person lacks confidence and is too afraid to hit the ball, or golfing really slowly, needs to speed things along because at nightfall, the golf course becomes dangerous with lurking creatures
Pick Up Lines
- Strange lines are swooping through town and grabbing onto people, picking them up and carrying them away