Author: Trent

English teacher, actor, and active participant in multiple DnD campaigns. He enjoys generating ridiculous ideas for stories and games.

Safely escort some retired girallon celebrities to an animal sanctuary, fighting off adoring fans and hungry predators. This jungle encounter is for party levels 8-11.

Oliver N. Hale has crafted a new perfume that makes people smell like a million GP! The only downside is that it’s attracted the attention of a gold-hungry dragon and his aurumvorax. For party levels 4-7.

A talented artificer, who specializes in making blocks, is stuck babysitting hill giants and needs the party’s help in this mountain encounter for levels 8-11.

A mind flayer for Psionic Synergy Solutions is hired on as an accountant to brainwash employees. Expose his long-term plans and destroy him before an entire local workforce falls under his control. Party levels 4-7.

A professional chef, who is also a wizard, has accidentally created a dish that’s granted an entire town the ability to cast “Fireball.” Help him save the villagers from themselves before the town burns to the ground.

A concerned dragonborn mother is worried that she hasn’t heard from her son since he started university. She needs the party to sneak onto campus and see what’s up.