While visiting [Small Village], notice that all the young people are sporting magically flaming shoes: a pair of simple sneakers that burn with an arcane flame that changes colors from red to blue to purple. These shoes are being sold out of a pimped-out wagon by a traveling peddler who, despite being in his 40’s, is clearly dressed to look like his “fellow kids” (think: Steve Buscemi meme). Despite this man clearly NOT being a teenager, the young people of this small town are less discerning than most and fall for his trap, believing these shoes to be “all the rage in [bigger neighboring city].” Within a day, almost his entire stock of flaming shoes are sold.

Although the shoes give a +1 to charisma (while inside the town limits), they also deal 1d6 of fire damage to the wearer each day, making them a clear danger to the teens of the community.
The parents are worried and need your help. Unfortunately, these teens will not give up their (potentially) fatal footwear until something new and flashy has caught their eye.
If you agree to help, a local merchant will give you a box of very safe and comfortable sneakers. Your goal is to convince the young people that these traditional shoes , sold locally, are actually better and “more fire” than the flaming shoes (think standard dad New Balance).

Your party will need to do the following:
- Wear the boring, safe shoes (-1 charisma while the shoes are worn within the town limits)
- Complete daring feats and acts of bravery while wearing these simple sneakers (someplace where the youths can see you, of course). This can involve you staging an epic battle OR inciting one with a neighboring forest troll or something of the like that you lure dangerously close to the village.
- Once you have done something impressive, you will need to say something about how your impressive feats were all thanks to your sneakers. Depending on how convincing this is, you might win over the crowd.
- The village will be grateful that you saved their teens and will report that the sneaky peddler has also packed up and left town. As a reward, the local shoemaker will give you a prototype of something he’s currently working on to (hopefully) better appeal to the young people of the town. These boots are called “These Shoes are Fly.” They work like less impressive versions of “Boots of Striding and Springing.” Although they don’t help encumbered wearers or increase movement speed, they do still triple the jump of the wearer, and will also help you land safely.